Tag: stuffing

Chicken/Beef Cutlets

A perfect crust and a warm mushy inside, pan fried in 3 minutes… for those days when you need a break from the kitchen! “Your veal cutlet gets up off the plate, It walks down to end of the counter and […]

Patoyos, Patoleos or Patoddios

Yummy rice pancakes steamed with a coconut and jaggery filling… perfect for just about any time of any day, but specially eaten on the 15th August—the feast of the Assumption, which coincides with India’s Independence Day!   “Happy Independence Day! […]

The Perfect Pie Crust/Short-Crust Pastry

The perfect pie crust is golden brown when baked, buttery, soft and flaky, and practically melts in your mouth when you bite into it. Can you taste it already?   “Only very clever men can bite pie without breaking crust.” […]

Sausage Potato Quiche

The quiche has always been one of those fascinating kitchen creations that has an exotic appeal with a sprinkling of humility. I’m not sure whether it’s the many variations of the dish, its humble beginnings in Germany and France, its […]

Roast Chicken

There’s nothing better than a piping hot, straight from the oven, moist, tender, gloriously golden-brown, aroma-filled roast chicken on a bed of roasted veggies!   “A hen is only an egg’s way of making another egg.” – Samuel Butler The Fact: […]